Standard Schnauzer Club of America

Since 1933Breeder information

Standard Schnauzers are not always easy to find since they are not bred in great numbers. The best place to find a Standard Schnauzer puppy is from a breeder who is a member of the Standard Schnauzer Club of America (SSCA). The SSCA ethical breeder does not breed merely to sell dogs, but to continue to improve upon a lineage that he/she considers to be the best. Buying from a breeder will involve a process of matching a puppy and buyer and development of a partnership between breeder and buyer to ensure the lifelong well-being of the puppy. However, the purchase of a puppy also involves a business transaction. Prospective owners of a puppy should have written contracts/agreements regarding (1) deposits for puppies, (2) the terms of sale, (3) any guarantees and/or replacement, and (4) terms of co-ownership (if appropriate).

Please note, the next 6 links take you to the AKC website. Use your browser's BACK button to return to this page.
A good source of information when considering the addition of a new family member is the AKC puppies page.  Of special interest are the Be a Responsible Dog Owner, and also information regarding:

When buying a Standard Schnauzer, the buyer should receive the following at time of purchase:

A list of SSCA Members who subscribe to our Breeders Listing Service is provided as a service. Scroll down to see the list or contact Breeders' Referral Chairman, or Phone: 928-607-1591.

For a list of kennels that may currently have puppies, please go to the litters page.

The SSCA does not license or endorse any breeders, including those listed on this site.  The SSCA does not monitor the conduct of these individuals and has no control over the breeding or business practices of the listed individuals.  The SSCA makes no warranty or guarantee as to the health, quality, parentage or value of a dog.  The SSCA assumes NO liability and accepts NO responsibility for any transactions between a breeder/seller and you, the buyer.  These listings are provided as a service to the public.

Last updated on October 11, 2020.

After visiting the webpage of a breeder, remember to use your browser's BACK button to return to this page. We do have plans to allow you to find a breeder by state.

No part of this web site may be reproduced or stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, without the written permission from the Standard Schnauzer Club of America